Scout News

Troop Thank You Meal

23rd December 2005

SPL & PLs who Organised the Event

Special Thank You Meal organised by the PLs -  2005

SPL - Michael Crown's Speech

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Pinkneys green scouts thank you meal for 2005, I hope you all enjoyed the meal but before we move on to the entertainment from my glamorous assistants I have been asked to say few words.

This year at PG has flown by from the new years walk at the beginning of the year to this evening near the end, between these events there have of course been numerous competitions and district events most of which we have come away with a trophy for, including coming first and second in the district laser quest competition and more recently winning the chef cooking competition. Of course as well as the district run events we have had many group events such as the recent Christmas fair and the multitudes of training weekends.

Most importantly was summer camp, which was enjoyed this year by 55 scouts and young leaders with help from Rob Ayre and Robin Wolfe who spent their time off work helping us have a thoroughly enjoyable camp even if Mr Wolfe was limping around the first few days.

Even with all the outside help we receive none of the activities we do would be possible without the leaders and especially Simon who spends all his free time and lots of time that isn't free sorting out something or another for all of us.

We would like to thank Chris, BoB and Mark for cooking this years meal, if you would like to come up here there's some chocolate here for you………

Moving swiftly on we now have a short break while I and my assistants set up the entertainment which, this year is in the form of a quiz, sing the District Computer Projector.

Michael Crown

Click here for Photos of 2005 Troop Dinner